Sunday, November 15, 2015

Quilt #2: Retro

Quilt #2 from Simply Retro was.... Retro. I knew from the first time I saw it, that it was destined for "some" of my Navy Penny dot stash. I was trying to think about how many yards of that particular print I have used in the last few years... and it's a lot. I'm like a dog in search of a bone, I don't give up. Anyway, just guessing, it's at least 10 yards, and I still have a few left. 

Back to the point. Retro in Navy Penny Dots. Yes. 

I made this one fairly quickly after I made Swell. I haven't had the chance to quilt it yet, and really haven't decided if I want to tackle it myself. This one comes together SO quickly. It looks great in a solid, but I'm wondering if it wouldn't look good in a scrappy version too. I'm thinking a la @mommy2lu and the wonders she did with Vintage. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go look her up on IG. It's amazing.

Isn't that the great thing about quilts/quilt patterns/quilters? You can take one pattern, and it totally takes a life of it's own, depending on it's maker.

My hiatus from the Simply Retro book will end after January. My plan is to jump into a APQ Tone-It-Down Quilt along, and then maybe in February hit Quilt #3.

 The Holidays are upon us, and while I don't have a boat load of stuff to do, it's enough to at least fill a canoe.

Happy Sewing my fellow Makers!